About Me...

so i suppose that once you see my blog, some of you might be like, dude, who the eggplant is this girl? yea, i know.... :) hehe

so I'll answer your question!!!!  this is me... or this is my attempt to explain a real three-dimensional person in some small paragraphs. which you all know isn't going to happen because
1) I'm too complicated (its not that I am particularly complicated, its just that i am a human...)
2) it would take to much paper to actually write it all down.
3) i wouldn't want to just bare ALL of my soul to the internet... dude... can you say dangerous?

but i will try... here i go:

my names is Emily Caroline Johnson, i usually go by just Emily or Em. i have always secretly wanted to be called Caroline. i go to desert ridge high school, i will be a junior in the fall... holy eggplants... i have never said that before... I'm used to saying I'm a sophomore!

i LOVE to contemplate on the deepest mysteries of this beautiful world. even if they are hard to talk about. just because its scary does not means that we need to ignore it. in fact, in my  book, that means it needs to be talked about more until it isn't scary any longer.

my number one inspiration in life and also the thing that drives me to act the way i do: God. Jesus is my savior, he is the only reason that i am alive. i actually value the relationship that i have with him. its one of the only stable things that i have in my life.

the next most important thing is my family. i legitly have the best family ever. they really care about me, but they know that i have to spread my wings a little before i can fly. they teach me how to love and to live and to die. they are my best friends :)

next is my friends. they rock. i am finally learning how to choose good friends who support me and love me and share some of my convictions in life. hopefully, they will be the ones who comment on my posts :)

i am an active member of ADL which is an organization that promotes diversity and acceptance in our community. they also try to be advocates for responsibility and respect. they encourage teenagers to find out what they value in life as well as many other good things like such.

character is extremely important to me. if you don't have character, then i promise you: you will get nowhere. integrity is in particularly important to me because that shows who you truly are. who are you when no one is watching? that is something we should all really think about.
a big goal in my life is to make sure by the time I'm done on this earth that it is a little better. I'm saying not like a history book change, just a little better, you know; doing my part.

i also LOVE the outdoors. i really cannot get enough of it. i love to hike and to swim and fishing. anything that gets me closer to what our great God made. i want to appreciate what he made while i have the chance!

last but not least is my passion for music. i play the cello and the ukulele. i also love to sing, but i have no special talent at this; just a normal singing voice for me! music is a gift from God, and we should take advantage of it!!!

well, that's mainly it. you'll learn more about me from my posts and such. i hope that you enjoy this site and that you learn a little and think a little and apply what you've learn a little. if so, I've done my job.